International Relations

International Relations

bachelor's degree 41.03.05

About the programme

mode of study
duration of the course
4 years
tuition fees, ₽
from 74 350 to 159 700 (2024)

The direction is implemented at two faculties of the University. The Faculty of History and Philology presents the educational programme "World Politics and International Relations", and the Faculty of Eurasia and East - the programme "International Relations and Foreign Policy of Eastern Countries".

Educational programmes


World Politics and International Relations

What will I learn?

  • to be well-versed in the foundations of Russian and international law
  • to grasp the logic of international processes in their historical, economic and legal context
  • to organise the mediation process and the interaction of participants in it
  • to find and utilise information from Russian and international sources for the analysis of international processes

Advantages of the programme

  • overseas internships in large companies in Europe, America or Asia
  • the opportunity to obtain a second qualification as a mediation specialist in the field of intercultural communication

Who will I be?

  • a specialist in communications with international companies and organisations
  • an expert in the field of world politics and conflict studies
  • a mediator
  • a researcher of political, social and cultural processes in foreign countries

Disciplines to be studied

Entrance examinations

  • foreign citizens applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programmes to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services pass entrance examinations in the Russian language

International Relations and Foreign Policy of Eastern Countries

What will I learn?

  • to organise and facilitate mediation at an international level
  • to adapt and interact in multi-ethnic and international teams
  • to implement projects of international importance

Advantages of the programme

  • native speaking lecturers
  • more than 900 hours of learning European language
  • more than 900 hours of learning Eastern language (Chinese/Korean/Arabic/Turkish)
  • audio-visual learning method with the use of an equipped language laboratory
  • possibility of an internship at a foreign university

Who will I be?

  • an executive assistant and interpreter
  • a specialist in foreign economic, political, and socio-cultural activities
  • an expert in the field of international relations
  • an analyst
  • a mediator
  • a manager in a Russian or an international company
  • an HR specialist in international organisations

Disciplines to be studied

Entrance examinations

  • foreign citizens applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programmes to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services pass entrance examinations in the Russian language

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