Department of International Cooperation

Department of International Cooperation


Email (for partners and offers)
Email (for admission)

office 354, 129 Bratiev Kashirinykh, Chelyabinsk

The history of cooperation between Chelyabinsk State University and other higher educational institutions of the world dates back to 1994, when the university became a participant in the international TEMPUS programme. The result of cooperation within TEMPUS was the acquaintance of the university administration, its teachers and students with the model of the organisation of a classical European university. The experience of working together with leading universities of the world later allowed us to create a plan for the development of CSU and its transformation into an educational institution of a new way, which, among other things, assumed the solution of such issues as ensuring the availability of education, improving its quality and searching for more effective methods of conducting the educational process.

Today, international cooperation is one of the main priorities of Chelyabinsk State University. The multidisciplinary international development of the university provides its students and teachers with a wide range of opportunities to apply and improve their professional skills, and also helps to constantly improve the educational process.

The Department of International Cooperation (UMS) is engaged in solving the problems of international development of the university, together with administrative and scientific and educational departments.

The main goals of the Department of International Cooperation (UMS):

  • Expanding the presence of CSU in the international educational and scientific space
  • Coordination of the University internationalisation processes


  • Formation of a multicultural environment of the university
  • Attracting, recruiting and supporting international students
  • Migration support of foreign citizens arriving in CSU
  • Assistance in the implementation of the procedure for the recognition of foreign education and/or qualifications
  • Development of international cooperation in scientific and educational spheres
  • Assistance to the processes of academic mobility of teachers and students of CSU


Arnautova Nuriia Rafisovna

Arnautova Nuriia Rafisovna

Head of the Department of International Cooperation

office 354, 129 Bratiev Kashirinykh, Chelyabinsk

Social Network
Gainullina Linara Iakubovna

Gainullina Linara Iakubovna

Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation

office 354, 129 Bratiev Kashirinykh, Chelyabinsk

Social Network
Loginov Aleksandr Mikhailovich

Loginov Aleksandr Mikhailovich

Translator of the International Cooperation Division

office 178, 4 Voroshilova, Chelyabinsk

Social Network

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