The Botanical Garden of Chelyabinsk State University was founded in 1999 and is the only scientific centre in the Chelyabinsk Region that conducts research on topical problems of plant introduction, studies the flora of the Southern Urals and issues of biodiversity conservation, including rare and endangered species.
The Chelyabinsk State University Botanical Garden has collections of living plants from different regions of Russia and worldwide with about 2500 taxa, as well as herbarium, botanical library, and museum botanical exhibits. The outdoor collections contain about 100 plant species included in the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region (2017) and the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2008), and about 20 species that require special attention to their condition in the natural environment (Annex to the Red Book).
The collection of protected soil is represented by tropical and subtropical plants in the amount of about 1000 taxa. The herbarium of the botanical garden, with more than 25 thousand specimens, since 2006 has an international acronym - Index Herbariorum - CSUH (Herbarium, Botanic Garden, Chelyabinsk State University). For conservation, reproduction and exchange of genetic resources with other botanical institutions, a seed bank has been established, which is updated annually through timely collection of seeds from in situ and ex situ sources; its list (DELECTUS SEMINUM) has been publishing since 2008.
Since 2012
The Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian Botanical Society operates on the basis of the Botanical Garden.
Since 2017
Scientific notes of the RBO are published, where student papers can also be published.
If you want to participate in the life of the University Botanical Garden and discover the wonderful world of plants, we will be glad to see you every day from 9:00 to 17:00 in the areas of our collections and expositions.
You have the opportunity to participate in the activities of the Botanical Garden as a volunteer.