

Scientific Society of Students

​Students of all faculties (institutes) and postgraduates of CSU can be members of the SSS of CSU, as well as in exceptional cases - students and postgraduates of other universities of Russia who take an active part in the scientific life of their University, as well as interested in improving their scientific level and in-depth study of current problems of science.

  • We reveal talents, create unique projects!
  • Let's prove that science is not boring!
  • We are open for cooperation and new ideas!

The purpose of the SSS activities is:

Creating conditions for the development of the research potential of students, as well as ensuring the systematization and functioning of the research activities of students of CSU.


  1. Formation of students' interest in deep study of the basics of humanities, natural and mathematical sciences, in research work;
  2. Disclosure of interests and aptitudes of students to scientific-research activity;
  3. Identification of socially active students;
  4. Formation of the system of scientific views of students;
  5. Ensuring the participation of students in olympiads, competitions, conferences of various levels;
  6. Organising research activities of students to improve learning processes;
  7. Providing organisational assistance to students in carrying out research and development activities;
  8. Creation and development of an information and communication platform within the university for students and university departments to receive all necessary information and live interaction;
  9. Raising the prestige of scientific activity, activation of scientific and technical creativity and innovative activity of students;
  10. Information provision of electronic resources covering the scientific activity of students;
  11. Expansion of cooperation with Russian and foreign organisations in the sphere of scientific research activities;
  12. Organisation and holding of scientific seminars, conferences, olympiads, competitions of research works, festivals;
  13. Popularisation of scientific achievements of students;
  14. Assistance in the development of the innovation structure of the university;
  15. Contributing to the organisation of leisure activities for students, postgraduates and young scientists, creating opportunities for informal communication.
Elizaveta Orlova

Elizaveta Orlova

Social network
Page on the university's website


Isupov Evgenii Igorevich

Isupov Evgenii Igorevich

Curator of the Scientific Society of Students
Chernykh Kirill Dmitrievich

Chernykh Kirill Dmitrievich

Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Society of Students
The Institute of Education and Practical Psychology ​​
Galiullin Aleksandr Rinatovich

Galiullin Aleksandr Rinatovich

​Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Society of Students
The Faculty of Economics
Shmitko Nikita Evgenevich

Shmitko Nikita Evgenevich

Secretary of the Scientific Society of Students
The Faculty of Biology
Timofeev Danila Igorevich

Timofeev Danila Igorevich

Chairman of the Joint Council of Students of CSU
The Faculty of Linguistics and Translation
Lakhno Kirill Artemevich

Lakhno Kirill Artemevich

Curator of Youth Science at the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation
The Faculty of Linguistics and Translation
Khamitova Kamilia Alikovna​​​​

Khamitova Kamilia Alikovna​​​​

Curator of the Youth Science of the Faculty of History and Philology
Sergeev Mikhail Olegovich​​​​

Sergeev Mikhail Olegovich​​​​

Curator of Youth Science at the Faculty of Ecology
Matveeva Sofia Andreevna

Matveeva Sofia Andreevna

Curator of Youth Science​ Institute of Education and Practical Psychology
Ashikhmin Mikhail Konstantinovich

Ashikhmin Mikhail Konstantinovich

Curator of the Youth Science of the Faculty of Physics
Shergin Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Shergin Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Curator of the Youth Science of the Faculty of Chemistry

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