Student associations

Student associations

Joint Council of Students

Joint Council of Students

CSU Joint Council of Students promotes students' participation in the educational process management, solving important issues of student youth life, development of their social activity, support and implementation of social initiatives.

  • improving the effectiveness of the educational process at CSU
  • development of research activities of CSU students
  • formation of active life and civic position of CSU students
  • formation of students' self-management skills, preparing them for competent and responsible participation in the life of the society
  • promoting the realisation of students' inner potential
  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle

CSU Students' Council is an open association that welcomes any initiative and desire to work for students!

Nikita Kogun

Nikita Kogun

website page

Student associations

Student Media Centre
Student Media Centre Information support and coverage of university events
Scientific Society of Students
Scientific Society of Students Organisation of students' research activities to improve learning processes
Intellectual Games Club
Intellectual Games Club "CA VA" Intellectual games "What? Where? When?", quizzes. Organisation of games and participation in intellectual competitions
Sports club
Sports club "Oxygen" Organisation of sports events of the university and the city, development of the healthy lifestyle movement, training in sports management, participation in competitions of different levels
Student Council of the Dormitory Self-government
Student Council of the Dormitory Self-government Connecting link between students and the administration of dormitories, social adaptation of first-year students
Patriotic club
Patriotic club "I am proud" Education of patriotism, citizenship and a sense of belonging to the history of the family, the native land and Russia among the younger generation and the development of interest in the historical past of their country, the formation of historical memory
Volunteer Center
Volunteer Center Do you want to immerse yourself in an active student environment, doing social volunteering, helping to organise events and implement your ideas within the framework of volunteering?
Headquarters of Student Groups
Headquarters of Student Groups Do you want to earn money, but don't want to miss pairs? Tired of asking your parents for money? Do you want to find new friends, hobbies and an incendiary atmosphere? Then student labor squads are for you!
Voluntary People's squad
Voluntary People's squad "Dobrynya" Assistance to state law enforcement agencies in the protection of public order
Board Game Club
Board Game Club He will introduce participants to board games, teach secret moves and techniques of games of different levels
Esports Club
Esports Club Organisation and holding of computer sports events and participation of teams in competitions of different levels

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