- to carry out laboratory work involving biophysical and DNA-based methods
- to conduct research on the radiobiological effects using biological objects (plants, experimental animals, microorganisms, cell cultures)
- to employ methods for identifying and assessing markers of the effects of ionising and non-ionising radiation on organisms
- to create mathematical models of biological processes
bachelor's degree
About the programme
mode of study
duration of the course
4 years
tuition fees, ₽
from 85 200 to 170 400 (2024)
Educational programmes
What will I learn?
Advantages of the programme
- lecturers – leading experts in the fields of biology, radiobiology and biomedicine
- learning facilities on the basis of scientific and clinical laboratories
- the students participate in innovative scientific research projects spanning from genomes to organisms: cytogenetic research on plant organisms, experimental animals, Drosophila flies, animal and human cells; molecular genetic research on the human genome
Who will I be?
- a biologist
- a senior laboratory assistant
- a research laboratory engineer
- a project manager in the field of biophysics
Disciplines to be studied
Entrance examinations
- foreign citizens applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programmes to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services pass entrance examinations in the Russian language
What will I learn?
- to assess and forecast environmental conditions using phytoindication and zooindication methods
- to work with biological objects in the laboratory and field conditions.
- to apply regulatory documents governing environmental assessment and environmental management
- to organise events for protecting biodiversity and the environment from pollution
- to create mathematical models of biological processes
Advantages of the programme
- lecturers – leading experts in the field of biology, ecology, environmental monitoring and environmental protection
- learning facilities on the basis of scientific and clinical laboratories
- practical training at the Biotechnology Research and Development Centre of Chelyabinsk State University
- the students participate in applied research projects in the fields: sustainability of aquatic ecosystems under intensive anthropogenic impact and climate change, assessment of toxicity of natural and anthropogenic components of the environment
Who will I be?
- a biologist
- a research fellow
- the head of a laboratory
- the head of a research groups
- a biotechnologist
- an employee in Departments of Internal Affairs and forensic evidence departments
- an ecologist
- a hydrobiologist
- a laboratory quality manager
Disciplines to be studied
Entrance examinations
- foreign citizens applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programmes to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services pass entrance examinations in the Russian language
What will I learn?
- to conduct genetic research in laboratory conditions
- to apply molecular-genetic, cytogenetic, biochemical, population-genetic methods in research
- to test biological systems to assess mutagenic and genotoxic effects
- to contain experimental biological objects in laboratory conditions: plants, animals, microorganisms, cell cultures
- to create mathematical models of biological processes
- to carry out laboratory work involving biophysical and DNA-based methods
Advantages of the programme
- lecturers – leading experts in the fields of biology, radiobiology and biomedicine
- learning facilities on the basis of scientific and clinical laboratories
- the students participate in innovative scientific research projects spanning from genomes to organisms: cytogenetic research on plant organisms, experimental animals, Drosophila flies, animal and human cells; molecular genetic research on the human genome
Who will I be?
- a biologist
- a senior laboratory assistant
- a research laboratory engineer
- a project manager in the field of biology
Disciplines to be studied
Entrance examinations
- foreign citizens applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programmes to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services pass entrance examinations in the Russian language
Histology and Histological Techniques
What will I learn?
- to conduct research at the cellular and tissue levels
- to employ histological techniques for examining material
- to apply methods of light and electron microscopy to various biological objects
- to create mathematical models of biological processes
Advantages of the programme
- lecturers –leading experts in the fields of biology, histology, embryology and assisted reproductive technologies
- internships in pathoanatomical bureaus of municipal and regional hospitals, and bureaus of forensic medical examination
- modern learning facilities: cytology and histology laboratory
- opportunity to obtain an additional qualification with a choice of following programmes: "Developmental biology, embryology", "Biological methods in forensic science"
- students participate in innovative scientific research projects ranging from genomes to organisms: impact of diabetes on the morphofunctional state of human and animal organs; role of endocrine disruptors in disrupting the structural and functional features of human and animal organs
Who will I be?
- a biologist
- a research associate
- the head of a laboratory
- a head of research groups
Disciplines to be studied
Entrance examinations
- foreign citizens applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programmes to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services pass entrance examinations in the Russian language
What will I learn?
- to study properties of microorganisms derived from clinical material and environmental objects
- to apply knowledge of the fundamental laws and current advances in genetics and breeding in research activities
- to carry out experiments with microorganisms and analyse obtained data
- to manage biological and biomedical production processes
- to comply with the safety procedures for handling pathogenic biological agents
- to assess the biosafety of biotechnological and biomedical products
- to study conditions of ecosystems in various locations
- to investigate the impact of environmental change on flora and fauna
- to analyse research papers on the topics of microbiology and symbiology
- to create mathematical models of biological processes
Advantages of the programme
- lecturers – leading experts in the fields of biology, biomedicine and microbiology
- internships in clinical laboratories at partner organisations
- a cell biotechnology laboratory with modern equipment: electrophoretic detection of amplification products, oligonucleatide bank
- an opportunity to obtain an additional qualification with a programme of your choice: "Food microbiology", "Bacteriology. Work safety issues with PBAs of pathogenicity groups III-IV"
Who will I be?
- a biologist
- a microbial engineer
- a biotechnologist
- a research associate
- a head of research groups
- an employee in Departments of Internal Affairs and forensic evidence departments
Disciplines to be studied
Entrance examinations
- foreign citizens applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programmes to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services pass entrance examinations in the Russian language
Partnership icon_similar_smiling
and employment
CSU cooperates with leading employers, who are included in the educational process at the stage of course development.
There is always a high demand for CSU students. With the number of events held by our university, you will not be left without a job - prove yourself during an internship or attend job fairs at CSU, where dozens of companies present their offers to students and graduates, advise them and look for personnel.