
Representatives of the governments of Russia and Kazakhstan discussed the development strategy of the CSU branch in Kazakhstan

Since its foundation and after almost a quarter of a century Kostanay branch of CSU has been developing in accordance with the challenges posed to the structures of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The branch has accumulated rich experience of quality training of specialists in the field of social and humanitarian sciences. And with the increasing demand of the region for engineers and IT specialists it should show a high level of training including such specialists.


Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Konstantin Mogilevsky, Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Adlet Toibaev and Rector of CSU Sergey Taskaev agreed on this during their visit to the branch.

"The largest Russian university in the Republic, today it plays a big role both in promoting our education and culture abroad, and in the development of the economy of Kazakhstan itself: 150 jobs have been created here, and over 24 years of work our branch has graduated almost 13 thousand specialists. Together with colleagues we talked to students and staff, walked around the large territory of the branch, discussed a number of strategic issues. The most important of which is the signing of an intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Kazakhstan, which we have been working towards for several years." said Rector of CSU Sergey Taskaev.

The agreement will allow the Kostanay branch of CSU not only to continue its productive work in the territory of another country, but also to get a new impetus in its development, supplementing the enrolment plan with the necessary areas for the region.

Konstantin Mogilevsky, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, assured that the Russian government is actively assisting this process, as the decision in principle to modernise our branch in Kostanai has been made. In March, Russia and Kazakhstan agreed to conclude a separate intergovernmental agreement on the functioning of the CSU branch. In April, Ministers of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov and Sayasat Nurbek confirmed their mutual focus on improving the university's work.

"The branch must keep the highest level, meet the highest quality standards, especially since it has the necessary personnel and material and technical conditions for this. We realise that the branch needs to be developed, to open new, first of all, engineering and technical training areas. All political decisions have been made, we only need to put them into practice." Konstantin Mogilevsky concluded.

According to Adlet Toibaev, Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, our university with its high quality of education and prospects is also of great importance for the Republic, especially in view of the updated development strategy, so we can count on support from the leadership of the country.

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