
Chelyabinsk State University will organise ‘Rasulev Readings’

On Friday, July 5, Troitsk will host the V International XIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Rasulev Readings: Islam in the History and Modern Life of Russia’. Chelyabinsk State University traditionally acts as the organiser of the scientific part of the large-scale forum.

The central theme of this year's Rasulev Readings is ‘Family and Religious Traditions as a Basis for Russia's Security’. The conference will be attended by speakers and guests from 22 countries, including Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Cuba, China, Somalia, in total about 1000 people. The moderator of the plenary session of the forum will be the rector of CSU Sergey Taskaev.

‘Rasulev Readings’ will gather scientists, teachers, representatives of authorities, spiritual leaders of foreign countries and representatives of national-cultural centres, religious and public organisations. The participants will discuss the importance of moral values for the citizen and society, topical issues of national policy development, the role of family, religion and spirituality in the modern world.

‘This year's conference will consider moral and spiritual values as the basis of personal and social well-being; effective forms and methods of building interaction between family, educational and religious institutions in the upbringing of citizens. A large block of reports is devoted to the prevention of destructive manifestations in the aspect of formation of traditional spiritual, moral, family and religious values’. - says Irina Trushina, Director of the Institute of Education and Practical Psychology of CSU.

Representatives of 18 scientific organisations and 11 universities take part in the conference, which allows it to become the beginning of new scientific partnerships and joint projects. It promotes the integration of scientists, researchers, representatives of different faiths, state and local authorities, provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, contributing to the development of the academic and scientific community. The interdisciplinary approach in the organisation of the conference allows to cover different fields of knowledge, contributing to the expansion of academic horizons in the study of the latest trends. The discussion of issues related to family and religious traditions strengthens the ties between the university and the wider community.

More than 20 scientists from CSU will take part in the conference and present the results of their research. Among the topics of our teachers and students are: inclusive competence of university students in the context of their professional development; early childhood experience of attachment to mother and strategies of conflict behaviour in spouses; fatalism in the system of psychological phenomena; subjective well-being of adults during a pandemic in people with different marital status; neurotheology as a science of the relationship between religion and the brain and others.

Chelyabinsk State University stood at the origins of the forum. In 2012, the first All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Rasulev Readings: Islam in the History and Modern Life of Russia’ was held. The work of three sections was organised at the Troitsk branch.

‘Rasulev Readings’ is held with the support of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region. The organisers are: Federal Agency for Nationalities, the Central Spiritual Board of Muslims of Russia, the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, the Government of the Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk State University, the administration of the city of Troitsk, ANO ‘Centre for Socio-Economic Development “Initiative”.

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