
Chelyabinsk State University will continue to develop a Master's programme for Chinese students

The Faculty of History and Philology of Chelyabinsk State University together with Heihe University (China) and Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University (Russia) continue to develop a Master's degree programme (Foreign Language Education and Intercultural Communication). The programme is taught in English and is intended for students from China.


The results of the work done and further action plan were discussed at the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference (Russia and China: History and Prospects of Cooperation). Natalia Grishina, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology, presented the experience of working with students from China, including aspects of cooperation between Russian and Chinese regional universities. Andrei Seliutin, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, made a report on the use of generative AI in teaching Chinese students.

‘This is the first experience of participation of the Faculty of History and Philology in the implementation of a network educational programme. We set ourselves an ambitious goal: we chose a Master's level programme in English for Chinese students. It is important to stress that together with the programme's partner, Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, it was decided to continue the programme.' - says Natalia Grishina.

The programme leader from Chelyabinsk State University, Andrei Seliutin, noted the high degree of involvement of teachers of the Faculty of History and Philology in the educational process.

‘It was a challenge to a certain extent, accompanied by difficulties both in mastering the new electronic educational platform DingTalk, overcoming the time difference (4 hours) in scheduling, developing a set of academic disciplines in English, and in communicating with Chinese students. Colleagues from Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University also noted a great interest in this programme among Chinese students, which underlines the high professionalism of the teachers of the partner universities,’ commented Andrei Seliutin.

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