
Chelyabinsk State University opens a unique Double Degree Programme with a Chinese university

The Faculty of Eurasia and East of CSU has opened a new Master's programme enrollment in the field of Linguistics ‘Interpreter in Intercultural Communication (Chinese Language)’ within the framework of the double degree programme with Shenyang Normal University.


Chelyabinsk State University has been developing relations with China for a quarter of a century, where it has a special place as a long-standing and reliable partner. Today, Chelyabinsk State University is a member of the board of the International Alliance of Euro-Asian-Chinese Higher Education Institutions in the field of culture, art and education, as well as its subdivision - the Alliance for the Development of Legal Education. Sergey Taskaev, Rector of Chelyabinsk State University, was elected Deputy Director of the Alliance.

The Double Degree Programme is an exceptional opportunity to study two Master's programmes in three years instead of the normal five years. Thus, the first two years of study will take place at Chelyabinsk State University, the second year has the possibility of remote implementation of the part of the master's programme of the fourth semester at SNU, and the third year - directly at Shenyang Normal University.

Students who successfully complete their studies receive a Master's degree in Linguistics ‘Translator in the Field of Intercultural Communication (Chinese Language)’ and a Master's degree in Linguistics ‘Foreign Languages and Literature. Translation Studies’.

Trainees have access to various services of each university.

The Faculty of Eurasia and East offers five budget places (tuition fees at Shenyang Normal University are not covered). The cost of the Master's programme in the SNU is 20,000 CNY. This includes the organisation fee, online classes during the fourth semester, one year of study at Shenyang Normal University and dormitory accommodation.

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