
BRICS integration: CSU strengthens ties with Iranian universities

Rector of Chelyabinsk State University Sergey Taskaev and Dean of the Faculty of Eurasia and East Vera Budykina agreed on joint work with three leading universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, University of Tehran and Allameh Tabatabai University.

CSU has contractual relations with the latter two, which require development in the context of the political situation in the world. The University of Tehran is an undisputed leader not only in its own country, but also a holder of high positions in international rankings. Its management made a proposal to CSU to form a scientific and educational centre within the BRICS framework in order to train personnel, improve their qualifications and conduct relevant research.

‘Our colleagues have shown great interest in joint work in the field of archaeology, in particular, the study of Bronze Age monuments and the possible influence of representatives of the Indo-Iranian civilisation on the formation of the Arkaim-Sintashta type culture in the South Urals, and also in the field of ecology, where we have common tasks: reduction of anthropogenic load on the environment, processing of industrial waste, water purification. In this context, we discussed a whole range of R&D projects that we will be able to carry out at our campus under construction’. - says Sergey Taskaev.

The Tehranis expressed their willingness to organise joint scientific conferences and publish scientific papers in Russian and Iranian journals, which will certainly support the scientific community of CSU. Their interesting experience includes working abroad. The University of Tehran plans to open its own branches, including in CIS countries, but for this they need methodological support, which the management of CSU is ready to provide, taking into account the practice of development of the Kostanay branch in Kazakhstan.

In its turn, Tehran will help CSU to develop Iranian studies: it will send PhD students to teach Farsi and cultural studies with simultaneous study of Russian, send necessary materials, exchange teachers and students.

‘Similar prospects for partnership were outlined by the management of Allameh Tabatabai University. The meeting with the rector of this university was held with the personal participation of Igor Demkin, Counsellor of the Russian Embassy in Iran. This is the largest humanitarian university in the Republic, which consciously builds ties with regional, rather than metropolitan universities in Russia, because it sees such co-operation as the most effective’. - Sergey Taskaev.

In addition to the above-mentioned integration scientific and educational processes, the parties agreed to launch joint research on comparative analysis of the civilisational foundations of Russia and Iran.

The oldest university of the Republic, Mashhad University, appeared among CSU's partners thanks to the trip of Alexei Teksler, Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, to Iran, who is actively developing this promising interstate connection. In particular, on his initiative, the Faculty of Eurasia and East opened training programmes with the study of Persian language.

‘We signed not only an agreement between our universities, but also a roadmap for co-operation, which is very rare at this stage. Now one of the main areas of our co-operation is the development of Iranian studies at CSU. Proposals from our partners include organising language internships and summer schools, joint training of students, and implementing projects within the BRICS alliance’. comments Sergey Taskaev.

Common topics for the universities were research in physics (development of power cells, fuel cells, materials for hydrogen energy, magnetic materials, amorphous metals, etc.) and ecology.

University rectors discussed joint projects and the experience of Mashhad colleagues in developing their own research equipment, which they are engaged in due to the fact that Iran has been under US sanctions for more than 40 years.

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