
Chelyabinsk State University will teach Russian to Chinese students

Professors from the Faculty of History and Philology of the CSU will travel to the Chinese city of Tianjin in autumn to teach Russian to students of the Tianquan School in autumn.


The agreement on cooperation in the field of educational and research activities, including the exchange of professors and students, was signed by the rector of CSU Sergey Taskaev and the legal representative of Tianquan School Cao Chang Lun.

"The Tianquan Department of Education, Science and Technology specialises in academic training of secondary school students, particularly high school age students. This year, they plan to expand their educational services and open international sections, the main focus of which will be the education of Chinese students aiming to receive higher education in Russia". - says Andrey Selyutin, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics and Acting Head of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language.

Chinese colleagues were among the first universities in our country to approach CSU with a proposal for co-operation. The Faculty of History and Philology runs short-term and long-term programmes, including preparation for admission to Russian universities, as well as professional retraining courses in teaching Russian as a foreign language and socio-cultural adaptation activities.

Now the membership of the delegation and the educational programme, which is designed for a year, are being formed. The next stage will be the development of a two-year study programme for high school students, when the children spend their senior year in China accompanied by Chelyabinsk State University professors, and the following year they study at Chelyabinsk State University to be able to enter a Russian university.

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