
Chelyabinsk State University opened a programme to prepare foreigners to study medicine

CSU in cooperation with SUSMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has opened a recruitment for the additional general education programme "Preparation of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Individuals to Master Professional Educational Programmes in Russian in the Field of Medicine". The head of the programme is Andrey Selutin, Acting Head of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Faculty of History and Philology.

The new programme is aimed at foreign citizens who plan to enter Russian medical universities. Over the course of a year, they will learn to speak and write in Russian, as well as familiarise themselves with special terminology and the specifics of studying the basic subjects for medical schools - biology, chemistry and physics.

"The Russian language will be taught by the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of the Faculty of History and Philology at CSU. Blocks of special disciplines will be learnt at the South Ural State Medical University. There future students will not only study the specifics of these subjects, but also see the life of the medical university from the inside, get acquainted with teachers, see laboratories and profile departments." comments Andrey Selyutin.

Upon successful completion of the programme, students will receive a certificate from Chelyabinsk State University entitling them to apply to Russian universities. The certificate confirms their knowledge of the Russian language at a level that allows them to study at the university. At the same time, students who have mastered the new programme will have priority in medical specialities - in particular, at SUSMU or directly at Chelyabinsk State University, at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine.

"In foreign countries, the medical education provided by our Russian universities is highly valued, so the governments of these states allocate subsidies for the education of their citizens. But in order to study at Russian universities, you have to learn to speak and write in Russian. The advantage of the programme is that medical education-oriented students can study the Russian language, be trained in profile subjects at a profile university, and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a medical university." says Andrey Selyutin.

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